What Has Happened
We have successfully moved to a charming little townhouse in the Bay Area, just a few minutes from Trinity Church or Benicia where Jason is a Resident Intern. The three-bedroom is in a family-oriented neighborhood, close to shopping and parks and gorgeous views of the bay. If you would like to drop us a line or come for a visit (both are very welcome!) our new address is 1754 Stuart Court, Benicia, CA 94510.

Two weeks ago Jason and I attended the two-day SEND:Bay Area Assessment Retreat, where we met with five other couples all working towards church planting. The retreat was built to measure our readiness to join NAMB and involved a gauntlet of interviews, diving into our habits as a family, understanding of the church, hopes for the future, personal emotions, our marriage, and a myriad of other intensive lines of questioning. It was exhausting, but oh, so good. The assessors seemed to have a dual goal: to gain clarity on our candidacy to partner with NAMB, and to encourage us in continuing to herald the gospel. They were very thorough in both roles and we left feeling drained, but beautifully filled up.
The day before SEND, I flew Thea down to my parents, who took her on a two-week adventure, taking the train to MO to celebrate Thanksgiving with family. She had a great time, and we are so very happy to have her back! While we were being assessed, Kaden and Auna loved staying with “professional grandparents” from church who loved them well so that we could attend the retreat worry-free.
What We’re Doing Now
Waiting. I (Christin) am writing this before we have received our official assessment from the North American Mission Board so that I can most accurately share our hearts. If we are accepted, NAMB will be a huge asset in financially and logistically assisting in the process of church planting, and offers a community of pastors and wives who have already been richly encouraging to our family.
However, if we must hold off on teaming with NAMB, we will continue doing just what we’re doing: Jason is providing pulpit supply and pinch hits leading music at other churches in between seminary classes, and I lead our children in schooling and service, while supporting Jason and building relationships with women in our church and community. We are still committed to the training we have started at Trinity Benicia, continuing to look forward to Summer of 2024 as our launch date for planting or revitalizing a church in the North Bay Area.
The work in the waiting is worship, when done with gospel-intentionality and hope in what God is doing. I am still learning to be patient, but in the stillness there is growth, and the growth is good.

What We’re Looking Forward To
There are several holiday events in Benicia and we are joining our church in being more visible in the community. We share a building with another church, and meet at 4pm on Sundays in a revamped old post office. Trinity Benicia is only eight months old, and the fact that a newly planted church is already training up a church planter is super exciting, and shows their evangelical heart. We’re excited to see continued growth and are learning how to grow a future church plant through seeing the progress at Trinity.
I am still busy feathering our little sanctuary, thankful for our gifted table and couches and rugs, which are nesting our home for homeschooling, hospitality, and the reboot of my music studio in January. Jason will be jumping back into seminary in January, and is fighting to keep his hold on Hebrew alive during this holiday break. Living close to family we’re also excited to spend more regular time with our little Hunt cousin.
What We’re Learning
As Jason prepares his sermon for Christmas Day, the beauty of the birth of Christ is coming alive in a deeper way. As he leads music at Trinity I am enjoying the opportunity to play piano and sing with the team. The children are learning to settle into a new routine with new responsibilities and opportunities, and are learning how to initiate friendships and conversations with new people. Kaden is excited to see a youth group get started, while Thea and Auna are diving into our local AHG troop.
How You Can Join Us
Please pray for us!
Please pray for our continued growth and intentional pursuit of Christ as we desire to look more like Jesus. We are currently in a simple, comfortable season (which is a sweetness!), but it would be so easy to become complacent and lazy.
Pray that our children would continue to be excited about this church planting journey, and that they would be circled and encouraged by wise friends who love Jesus.
Pray that our healthy marriage and family life would continue to deepen and grow, knowing that we will better love our family and our community when we are loving each other well.
Rejoice with us in God’s faithful provision! Though we are not able to apply monetary assistance to a church plant at this time, we will be seeking partnership with churches and individuals soon. This may look like a monthly financial contribution, or volunteers for summer programs, or donations of curriculum, and we are excited to see Jesus continue to provide for our needs at just the right time.
Thank you for your love and support! We are so very thankful for you! With deep affection, the Hunt Family: Jason, Christin, Kaden, Thea, and Auna
Would you please consider marking a weekly time to pray for us?
Perhaps even in setting an alarm on your phone to remind you of our family? We would also love to keep you posted via text and/or email. If you are not yet on our mailing list, please click the “subscribe” button above, or contact us directly. Thank you for being our friends. We look forward to continuing to work with you in furthering the Kingdom of heaven through this new adventure.