Please note that this update was written on July 11th. Due to pregnancy brain and a bit of tech trouble it's being released a full 10 days later than planned. Baby is still womb-side, the house is slowly getting organized, the kids are still happy, we're meeting our neighbors, and Jesus is still SO very good.

(Photos: Thea’s 13th birthday picking out sunglasses; stomping on cardboard for the move, enjoying the pool in our new neighborhood; dogpile at the old house; routine baby checkup; the ginormous metal bunny in wine country.)
Moving: Housing

NEW ADDRESS: 1846 Granger Ct, St. Helena, CA 94574
A week ago today we said goodbye to our Benicia home of two years and headed to St. Helena, one town away from our church plant base in Calistoga. The blessing of being a seven minute drive from our church and fifteen minutes from Jason’s seminary has been a sweetness, and the relationships we’ve built have been overwhelmingly precious. So many of our dear friends supported us with meals, heavy lifting, post-move out cleaning, financially, and through sweet notes of encouragement, filling in those many gaps where our abilities and energy were lacking.

We even had folks we had never met before join us at our new home to help us unload. These were people who knew of our church planting endeavor and wanted to support us in a real, tangible way. From carrying couches to unpacking our pantry to praying over our family, we were so incredibly blessed by the love shown by so many people.

THAT is an example of what the church is supposed to look like: helping others with a joy-filled spirit, asking nothing in return. It’s tangible love. It’s consistent care. It’s being the hands and feet of Jesus. And that’s what we have experienced from Trinity Church of Benicia since the beginning. (Many of the folks who helped us move out are the same people who helped move us in, even those who remembered just how much furniture we own!)

(Photos: the kids singing in an empty room, minutes before locking the doors for the last time; new friends carrying a couch into our new home, Thea and Auna packing up the laundry area; Kaden’s first family meal after getting back from Leadership Live.)
Moving: Baby Wiggles and… contractions?!

The babywatch countdown is at TEN DAYS, and we are less convinced that baby girl will hold off until her July 21st due date to make her big debut, as the Braxton Hicks are in full swing, and other tell-tale signs are starting to appear. But we’re praying she stays put for at least a week more, as there is MUCH to accomplish!
Paperwork has successfully been transferred to the nearby hospital, and our intake interview and L&D tour are scheduled for today. After a number of hiccups it is wonderful to have the admin side of having a baby settling into place.
In the meantime I (Christin) am still having a difficult time remembering to leave the heavy boxes for others to move, but am doing a great job of taking advantage of every opportunity to nap!

(Photos: 37 weeks pregnant and the last few boxes are packed!; Our new home, where our garage items take up most of our living room)
Moving: Going Forward

As I write this, the sun is just beginning to rise, and the coolness of the morning is already starting to dissipate in anticipation of another triple-digit day. Life as we know it will remain very much the same, save that our commute to Benicia for church and ministry is now an hour long and requires a 5th of a tank of gas each round trip.
Jason’s responsibilities as Associate Pastor at Trinity Benicia will continue until we officially launch the church plant in Calistoga (currently aiming for Spring ‘25, contingent on a full Core Team and adequate financial support), and he will keep plugging away at his last year of seminary.

The kids and I will be joining a local homeschool co-op, pursuing American Heritage Girls, park days, and library gatherings, and our family will be actively engaging with the town, building relationships and getting to know the area and its needs.
We look forward to hosting hymn sings and potlucks, eventually teaching voice and piano lessons and elective homeschool classes, and, pretty soon, enjoying life as a family of SIX!
(Photos: The whole family on our last trip with boxes from Benicia to St. Helena; one of the many spectacular sunsets afforded by the Napa Valley.)
What We Need
There are a few unbudgeted items that are necessary for our rental to function well, and we’ve created an AMAZON LIST for those who would like to help us make this house a home (including a few baby items as well). Gift certificates for SAFEWAY and TARGET are always appreciated as well!
We are starting to search for those who would commit to THREE YEARS of support for our family. The Napa Valley is beautiful, but the cost of living is exorbitant (housing alone is $4400+ each month), but if we partner with several families at $50-300/mo, with a few churches partnering with the church plant as well, we will be able to not only survive, but to also offer hospitality to others. (GIVE HERE and type HUNT in the memo line for both one-time and continuing gifts).
PRAISE: There were no injuries throughout the move and only a single salt shaker gave its life for the cause!
PRAISE: Christin’s ears are completely healed without the need of the expected surgery or heavy medication!
PRAISE: Moving expenses were covered by the sweet generosity of many precious individuals!
REQUEST: That our family would love Jesus first, best, and only, that our love for Him would deepen our care for each other, and that our unity would pour into a sincere love for the Napa Valley community.
REQUEST: That our baby might be delivered safely, and may be a beautiful tool to reach hearts that need to know how much Jesus loves them.
REQUEST: That we would be fully supported by Easter of ‘25, as we step out in faith that Jesus will continue to provide for all our financial needs as we obey Him.
REQUEST: That more churches would support the financial endeavors of the church plant building, excited to see the gospel preached in Calistoga.
Thank you!
Jason, Christin, Kaden, Thea, Auna, & Baby