PDF Version with ALL the PICTURES:

We are currently in Benicia, CA, where we have spent the last year training as church planters. Come mid 2024 we expect to officially start a church in Calistoga (the north end of the Napa Valley) and are busy gathering fellow Christians to join our new congregation, and we have started raising support towards the necessary construction for the church building.
Jason is continuing seminary at Cornerstone, and is the associate pastor at our church, heading up the youth group and music ministry, and preaching on a regular basis. He was recently ordained as an elder at Trinity Benicia, and will continue in his role until we move to Calistoga.
Christin stays busy homeschooling the kids (in 10th, 7th, and 4th grades), and tutoring the Memory Masters Foundations class in our Classical Conversations group. She continues to make lasagnas for the community, and recently delivered her 100th meal! She is the Troop Shepherd for our local American Heritage Girls, and is working towards getting certified as a Biblical Counselor through ACBC.
Kaden (15) is on his fourth growth spurt of the year and is teaching himself how to code and design tiny homes. Thea (12) is our resident artist and fashionista and loves to read reimagined fairy tales and fantasy. Auna (9) loves anything small and cute or electronic and is our family comedian. All three kids love playing Minecraft together, are compassionate toward others, and have a joint superpower in finding the most creative ways to make musical chaos, often breaking into (mostly-lovely) three-part harmony with wild voices, crazy intonations, and are never, at all, ever the least bit annoying. ahem :)Â
We are grateful to have you in our lives, and look forward to sharing our church planting adventure with you! To stay on our physical mailing list or to receive our occasional email updates, please subscribe using the link at the bottom of this page.
With much love, The Hunt Clan

What God Has Done
CHURCH PLANTING TRAINING God brought us to Benicia one year ago and is equipping us to church plant mid 2024.
LOCATION God has freely provided a church property in Calistoga (the north end of the Napa Valley)!
CONNECTIONS We are building relationships with folks in the Napa Valley and are excited to do gospel work with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
What God Is Doing
BUILDING A CORE TEAM Our core team will be the heart of the congregation in the Calistoga church. One young man has committed to joining us (woohoo!), and we’re praying for the families God is still preparing.
BUILDING FINANCIAL SUPPORT The church building needs a huge amount of work, and we are excited to see how God will continue to provide financially. We plan to create a simple elegance that will use God's resources wisely while also communicating value to the Calistoga community.
What God Will Do
REACHING THE COMMUNITY Our property is directly across the street from an elementary school, and we are SO thrilled to be a part of the lives of our Calistoga neighbors.
PROVIDING FOR OUR FAMILY The cost of living in Calistoga is astronomical but we trust that God will meet our every need (housing, travel expenses, caring for growing kiddos, etc.).
How to Pray for Us
DISCERNMENT AND DILIGENCE Please pray that, as we strive for excellence in each area of our lives, we would only say yes to the best opportunities (discernment) and pursue them intentionally (diligence).
FRIENDS FOR KADEN, THEA & AUNAÂ Please pray for a handful of deep friendships for the kids to carry them through the next several years, to lead them to know God more, and love more like Jesus.
SUPPORT- FINANCIAL & CORE TEAM Please pray that we will be able to communicate well to those who desire to give financially to this mission, and that we might find the families God is preparing to bring to our core team.
Thank you!
The Lord is so gracious to have given us people like you to encourage and pray for us- your prayers are our lifeline! Thank you for your continued love and support!
For More Details… Check out THIS POST.