Evelynn Grace joined the Hunt clan on July 24, arriving at 8:16am and 19.5 inches. It was a wild and fierce 5 hours of labor that threatened a C-section, but ended up with a natural birth, healthy baby, and a healthy mama. Recovery has been sweet, as rest was prioritized and abundant help was offered (and accepted!).
In the course of a month Evie (EE-vee) has become our own personal Velveteen Rabbit, as we have rubbed off most of her hair with cuddles and kisses. Her bright blue eyes and adorable little features keep us fawning over her, and her first smiles and giggles are the sweetest parts of our days.
It has been a whirlwind of finding a new "routine" of fitting life around a newborn, while also starting homeschool with a high-schooler, middle schooler, and elementary student, on top of recovering from our move (only 7 boxes left to unpack!), while also commuting an hour to church each Sunday, building community here in the Upper Napa Valley, prepping for seminary starting back up in a week, establishing relationships with partnering churches, and learning how to defibrillate a non-profit and raise funds to revitalize a church building.
Through it all we have experienced the church caring for us wildly and well, and we've seen Jesus do miraculous things to keep this church plant endeavor moving forward. We are so incredibly blessed! Thank you for your prayers, your gifts, and your encouragement! We are so grateful for you all!
**Due to tech gliches, our initial baby announcement was not shared on this platform. Our primary means of information sharing information is through email, and we encourage you to SUBSCRIBE, that we might keep you updated as life keeps changing.